Monday, August 9, 2010


LOVE Jenn Grant.

This month I'm working on dreaming. I'm ready to make my hopes real- to believe they're possible. Below is my journal list from August 1.

Who says it can't happen?

"August 1, 2010

Sometimes I want...

-my whole house to look like an Anthropologie catalog

-to know how to really play the guitar

-to live in Paris

-to be a yogi

-to be a kick boxer

-to be covered in big, beautiful tattoos

-to have crazy curly hair

-to live in New York (even though I've never been there)

-to be a proficient, and patient, gardener

-to wear cowboy boots and hats all the time

-to be an amazing photographer

-to be a runner (run a marathon)

-to be a skilled artist

-to own horses (and live in the country, of course)

-to be inspiring

-to be a mother"

1 comment:

  1. When you paint you are an artist, and when you play the guitar you are a musician.....a beautiful, wise, and spirited friend once told me this!
