Monday, September 13, 2010

Sunday Ballard Market

Brian was busy brewing incredibly smelly beer this Sunday (yes, it still smells like hops in our house) so, I took myself out on a little walk. (after I drove to Ballard, that is)

Saw lots of these...

And these...

And a whole lot of these...

Heard lots of this...

Ate one of these...

And wrote in this.

It was beautiful day.


  1. beautiful indeed! ... dow do you do that thing with the multiple pictures as one??? I need to do that! please share! loves.

  2. Sarah, I make a "collage" in Picassa first. Super easy, although it makes the pictures themselves so small. Love you.

  3. Looks like it was a beautiful day, wish I could have been there with you! Hugs.
