Number 1: October wins "Best Month of the Year" award for it's blue skies, orange leaves, scarf weather, and happiness.
Number 2: Starting new friendships is one of the most difficult things for me to do. (Mantra: I. like. meeting. new. people.)
Number 3: Mice and vicious cats have invaded my dreams lately -throwing parties on our bed (Under our covers!!) and popping out of large crevices that don't even exist. (I might need therapy.)
Number 4: The Mister does a wonderful job putting up with my early morning demands notes.
"Dear Love,
Hope you have a great day. Make sure you pick up all your crumbs after breakfast, so the mice don't visit! Can't wait to see you tonight. AND BE SURE to make our bed before you leave so that they don't crawl over our sheets while we're gone. Love you so much.
P.S. Did you hear noises in the middle of the night? Nevermind. Oh, and close all the cupboards so they don't eat all of our food! Okay... Maybe I should stay home today. (no. nevermind. I'm fine.)
Okay. Bye. I mean, I love you."
(See? I might need therapy)
Number 5: Truth: I love reading books and I think Dickens and Austen are brilliant, but... I. can't. keep. my. eyes. open. (I'm going to need to start drinking coffee if I'm ever going to read the classics.) P.S. I really do think they're wonderful.
Number 6: I have a slight crush on Michael Cera. He's adorably awkward. (Number 6.5: Has anyone ever noticed how fittingly awkward the word "awkward" looks written down? Genious.)
Number 7: Secret: When the Mister is out of town I eat crackers for dinner. I hate doing dishes that much.
Number 8: I've been going to bed with long johns on every night and I've been waking up 2 hours later, sweaty and hot, (every single night) because I hate those first few minutes climbing into bed while the sheets are cold. (this plus reading by headlamp makes it a camping adventure every night!)
Number 9: The best part of my bus ride is the older couple that gets on every day at Princeton Avenue. They never look at each other, but she always pats his knee after they sit down just to say, "We made it." Where do they go?
Number 10: The best remedy for the inability to fall asleep at night is C.S. Lewis. No offense, sir, but it always does the trick. The Four Loves and The Problem of Pain are especially good for this. (Forgive me, Till We Have Faces. I must exclude you from this.)
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